I use the minimally essential amount of lines to celebrate the essence, quirks, moments or dreams of these dazzling humans.
And an iPen.
Selection from installation at Manny's Bistro, NYC

Manny. Jazz devoted restauranteur of the newly named best new French Bistro, NYC.

Tony. Frequent guest crooner at Manny's Bistro. Even Lady Liberty swoons.

James. Metropolitan Opera Tenor.

Michael. Actor. Musician. Buddhist.

Amanda. Sassy cellist and her constant service companion, River.

Cindy. Icon.

Frank. Legendary photographer of legendary jazz musicians.

Yuja. Classical music's Rock Star with a repertoire as long as her gams.
A smattering of individual commissions...

Amanda. Amanda's composer dad now visits her from beyond as a fly.

Pinchas. World renowned violinist and conductor.

Dianne. Tiara loving business maverick dreaming of a farm. Her daughter, Rose, calls her WOW.

Rose. Med student on her way to the Pulitzer.

Silke & Katalin. Riverside wedding. One guest.

Kendall. Food Bank, Director of Everything.

Halle. Farewell to the retiring peacocks of St John the Devine.

Elma. Sun-loving nature photographer.

Janet. The Outlaw. One of California's first women surfers. Feminist without the title.

Ann. Dreams of culinary classes in Rome and matching cookware for her new blue kitchen.

Izabella. Personal trainer and the lounging love of her life.

Stephanie. New Yorker. New Mommy.

Self Portrait
Dee, she said, you are too old to start something new. I had not confided in my friend that at the age of sixty-two I had decided to become a ballerina. I had confided that writing and drawing had rested far too long within me. A bear, stretching from his slumber in search of the sweetest berry. Persistent, my friend. Dee, do you know how many writers and illustrators there are in New York City alone? The chances of success are equal to the chances of the sky turning green. And I thought, the sky can turn green? How lovely.